Barbara Krnc

has a bachelor’s degree in Education and Sociology; she is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy and Coach. She is a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and one of the institute’s co-founders. Within the Faculty Board, she works as a teacher-trainer in applied programmes, a clinical practice supervisor and a psychotherapist for personal (learning) psychotherapeutic experience in psychotherapy education. She has extensive therapeutic experience dealing with mental health issues and areas related to family, partnership, educational difficulties, addictions and psychosomatics. For the past 14 years, she has been running her private psychotherapy practice in Koper. Before that, she gained experience working in education and a correctional institution.
Janko Bras

is a special needs teacher, social worker, psychotherapist, instructor at the William Glasser International Institute and member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. Within the institute, he works as a teacher-trainer, supervisor for psychosocial and psychotherapeutic practice and a psychotherapist for personal (learning) psychotherapeutic experience. He has been active in the field of mental health care and providing psychosocial assistance for almost 40 years. Since 2006, he has been running a private counselling and psychotherapy practice, offering supervision for professionals and collaborators in various governmental, non-governmental and private organisations, as well as in social welfare and education sectors.
Tatjana Gadže Okić

is a medical doctor specialising in school medicine and a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy. She is a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She has extensive experience working with high school students, university students and parents at the Youth Centre.
Branka Anđukić

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy and a WGI supervisor. She is a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She has many years of experience with group and individual work (NGO and institutions) with women and children (domestic and war violence). She has worked for over 20 years in the family and partnership counselling centre Plavi telefon.
Marina Stanković Gjuretek

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy, teacher and supervisor. She is a medical doctor, a specialist in public health. She is employed at the counselling centre of the Institute of Public Health, specialising in addiction prevention and mental health protection.
Živana Stegić-Ivas

is a teacher, a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy (HURT), a basic instructor of WGI with many years of experience in teaching students in CT/RT education. She has experience in various fields, primarily in the field of education. She has been practising psychotherapy and counselling since 2009. Since then, in cooperation with associations and institutions as well as in her private practice, she has gained experience in multiple areas of difficulty that people encounter in their lives, in different relationships and areas.
Dubravka Stijačić

is a teacher of reality therapy and choice theory, a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy and a WGI senior instructor, supervisor, mentor and personal therapist. She has many years of experience in psychiatry as the head of the Centre for Psychosocial Methods of Treatment. She led training in social skills, group and individual psychotherapy with people with different psychiatric diagnoses. She is the president of the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy (HURT).
Marija Posavec

a medical doctor, psychotherapist and CT/RT supervisor. She works as a school medicine specialist and Head of Youth Counselling Centre for children, young and parents. She is a member of the Croatian Chamber of Psychotherapists’ steering committee and regularly participates in activities of the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy. She has years of experience in psychotherapy. Her field of interest is lead management.
Ruben Belina

has a bachelor’s degree in physics engineering with a specialisation in physics education. He has 35 years of teaching experience in high schools. He also works as a mentor and instructor of the Developing Positive Self-evaluation of Children and Adolescents programme in the school. He completed a 4-year education in the RT/CT at the European Institute for Reality Therapy (EIRT) and graduated on 9 December 2020 as a Reality Therapy Counsellor. He works as a supervisor in the 1st year at EIRT. He had several contributions at the Days of Leon Lojk and conducts workshops on choice theory in further education and training programmes for professionals in education.
Vesna Pahor

has a master’s degree in chemical education and is professionally engaged as a teacher at a grammar school. She has been implementing choice theory in her work since 2011, both in teaching and individual conversations with students, discussions with parents and collaboration with fellow teachers. She is a co-author and facilitator of programmes for professional training of workers in education titled Taking Care of Yourself as a Teacher to Create a Supportive Learning Climate and Achieving Greater Satisfaction in the Teaching Profession through Successful Problem-Solving. These programmes are conducted under the Ministry of Education’s auspices and delivered as 8-hour workshops for teachers. Additionally, she teaches a 50-hour course on choice theory, which is part of the European Institute for Reality Therapy’s programmes and intended for a broader audience. She is also a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. As a Reality Therapy Counsellor, she is a member of the Slovenian Association for Reality Therapy (DRTS) and the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).
Mirjana Palčič Bubnič

is a social worker and Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP). She is a supervisor and instructor of choice theory and reality therapy, a director of the European Institute for Reality Therapy and a member of the Faculty Board of this institute. She has 25 years of working experience at the Izola Social Work Centre, working with people with various problems. She has been running her psychotherapy practice for the last 13 years. She is a supervisor licensed by the Social Chamber of Slovenia and an InsideOut Coach certified by the Academy of Choice.
Denise Vojvoda Scrobe

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy, a WGI supervisor and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She is employed in social welfare, where she offers counselling mainly to children, young people and their families, as well as couples counselling. She also works as an external associate – Psychotherapist at the Down Counselling Centre in Pula. She teaches choice theory through education as a supervisor and in different areas of life – parenthood, marriage and education.
Marijana Rajčević Kazalac

has been a psychologist since 2007., permanently employed in the Counseling Centre for Children, Youth, Marriage and Family in Poreč. She has been a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist since 2019, a WGI supervisor and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy.
Davor Apostolovski

is a psychologist, Reality Therapy Psychotherapist and a WGI senior instructor. He has acquired professional experience in the social care system and non-government organisations dealing with social issues related to refugees, children and adolescents. He worked as a psychologist in the health and educational system. He is now working as a school psychologist, psychotherapist and counsellor. He is teaching courses on quality parenthood and educative programmes on creative thinking. He is a member and co-founder of non-governmental organisations whose engagement is directed towards children and adolescents. As an innovator, he created many didactic toys and games.
Štefanija Prosenjak Žumbar

is a social pedagogue, Reality Therapy Psychotherapist and WGI instructor. She has acquired her professional experience by working with children and adolescents with behavioural disorders within social care and educational institutions and in the police on jobs related to criminal and legal protection of children and domestic violence. She now works as a psychotherapist in the Counselling Centre for Children, Martial Affairs and Family and offers counselling for the Ccub of women treated for breast cancer. She teaches the psychosocial treatment programme for persons who commit domestic violence and pre-martial preparatory courses. She is engaged in the prevention of addictive and behavioural disorders. She is a member of non-government organisations whose target is to assist people with various needs.
Jasna Sloković

is a teacher at the European Institute for Reality Therapy, a psychologist and a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy. For most of her professional career as a psychologist in High School, she focuses on counselling. She also works as an external associate – psychotherapist in the City Counselling Centre in Pazin and Buzet. She is teaching choice theory as a supervisor in different fields of human activities, such as parenting, marriage and education.
Katarina Rana Gluhan

is a social pedagogue and a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy, employed as the head of the Dubrovnik Probation Office since 2015. Through her workplace, she meets people with various difficulties in their psychological functioning. She continuously improves through shorter and longer education programmes organised by the Ministry of Justice and Administration, some financed as part of European projects. She gained her previous work experience through the educational system as a professional worker in an elementary school and a kindergarten. She actively participated in the work of the Obzorje Association, which deals with promoting and protecting mental health.
Martina Dumančić Vranješ

is a professor of social pedagogy who graduated from the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Zagreb, majoring in behavioural disorder. Since finishing her studies, she has worked as a professional worker at the Marin Držić Primary School in Dubrovnik. She was promoted to the title of mentor in 2017. She is the head of the County Expert Council for preventive programmes of primary, secondary schools and student dormitories of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County. She actively participates in educating teachers, professional workers and teaching assistants at the county and state levels. She mentored students of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation and students of Teacher Education in the Early Social Pedagogical Intervention course. She is a member of the Committee for Quality Assessment of Programmes/Projects of Civil Sector Associations at Dubrovnik-Neretva County. She is a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy. In 2022, she obtained the title of Reality Therapy Psychotherapist and holds a European Certificate of Psychotherapy.
Danko Butorac

is a psychologist and psychotherapist working at the Family Centre – a state-funded counselling service in Senj, Croatia. In his daily practice, he works with individuals, couples, families, and groups. As a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy, he is involved in providing training programmes as a supervisor and teacher of choice theory. He is president of the European Association for Reality Therapy (EART). He is happily married and a father of five wonderful children.
Mirjana Zećirević

graduated in psychology and English. She is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and a WGI senior instructor with long-term experience in teaching and offering supervision to students in CT/RT training. She has experience in various fields of applied psychology, especially juvenile delinquency, partnership and family issues, vocational rehabilitation, career skills development and human resource management, with many years of experience in providing individual and group counselling and psychotherapy to people facing various difficulties of personal, partnership and professional functioning.
Leandra Miletić Činić

is a doctor of medicine, a specialist in school medicine, a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), a WGI supervisor and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She is employed at the Institute of Public Health Dr Andrija Štampar in Zagreb and the counselling centre for eating disorders and obesity. As a school doctor, she has many years of experience working with children, young people and their parents. She deals with different mental and psychosomatic disorders in counselling and psychotherapy.
Petra Cvek

is a graduate pedagogue majoring in andragogy, a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy and an HSE Coach. She has a private psychotherapeutic practice and offers training and individual and couples psychotherapy online or in person in Šentjur near Celje. She has experiences with individuals facing various personal issues, relationship difficulties and mental distress. In her work, she combines reality therapy with self-help methods such as NLP, HSE and Brainspotting.
Tadeja Rajk

is a social worker, a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), a supervisor-teacher of choice theory and reality therapy and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She holds a supervisory license from the Slovenian Chamber of Social Workers. For over fifteen years, she has been actively working in the field of social welfare with individuals facing various personal issues, emotional distress and relationship problems, as well as those seeking to improve the quality of their lives. She has a private psychotherapeutic practice and provides individual and couples psychotherapy (in person and online) in Ljubljana.
Cvita Vasilij Studak

is a social pedagogue, Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), a WGI supervisor and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy (HURT). She has worked for 15 years in social services with children and young people with behavioural disorders and with their parents. She has years of experience providing psychotherapy for clients with eating disorders. As a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy, she provides training programmes, supervision and is a psychotherapist for personal (learning) psychotherapeutic experience. She is married and a mother of two boys.
Mirjana Belavić

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy, a psychologist with experience in education and social welfare. As an external collaborator, she is involved in the projects of several associations where she provides individual counselling and group workshops. She is a wife to one husband, mother of three children and mother-in-law’s daughter-in-law in the yard.
Ljiljana Šupraha

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) and a WGI instructor. For 33 years, she has been working with children and young people with behavioural disorders. Since 2003 she has been teaching choice theory and its application in different fields of human activity (counselling, education, coaching). She is an associate of the NGO White Circle, where she works with victims and domestic violence doers.
Nikolina Essert

is a psychologist, a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy, a supervisor, a member of the European Institute for Reality Therapy and the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy (HURT) and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She is employed in her private psychotherapy practice working with individuals, couples and individuals who want to improve their relationships with others. She has experience in leading psychotherapy groups. She has worked with people with eating disorders for the last seven years.
Jelena Bićanić

graduated in social pedagogy from the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences in Zagreb. She is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), a supervisor, an instructor and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. Since 1993, she has been teaching choice theory and its application in various aspects of human life as a teacher at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy. She is employed at a private Psychological Centre, where she specialises in individual and couples counselling, group psychotherapy, as well as individual and group supervision.
Nina Vene

is a medical doctor and a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist. She is working as a doctor specialising in internal medicine and cardiovascular medicine. She provides psychotherapy for clients with mental and psychosomatic disorders and counselling especially dedicated to healing from chronic disease and chronic pain distress. She also has long-standing experiences in counselling and raising awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle in chronic disease prevention in modern society. She is a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy.
Aida Ganović

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), a WGI supervisor and a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. Since 1999, she has had experience in individual and group counselling. Since 2008, she has had the status of a supervisor in teaching choice theory. Since the founding of the Association for Reality Therapy of Bosnia and Hercegovina, she has been a member of the Association’s Management Board. She has completed a three-year education in Philosophy and Methods of Psychodrama. She is the author of several articles on direct counselling, individual and group work.
Ksenija Centa

is a psychologist, has been a psychotherapist since 2009 and has held the European Certificate of Psychotherapy since 2011. After 11 years of work at the Employment Agency, she was employed for 17 years at the Health Centre Celje as a psychologist specialising in mental health for children and youth. During this time, she also worked partially at the Centre for Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction. She collaborated with the National Institute of Public Health as an online counsellor for adolescents and as a psychotherapist for adults. From 2009 to 2020, she also maintained a part-time private practice, which became her full-time regular employment in 2021. She offers individual psychotherapy, couple and family therapy and group supervision for school teachers. She is a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and participates in education and supervision. She is also a psychotherapist for personal (learning) psychotherapeutic experience.
Irena Krajcar Kokalj

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) and a WGI senior instructor. For the majority of her career, she was employed in Social Services. She has been employed in the Family Centre in Pula for the past fifteen years, offering individual, marriage or family counselling. She is teaching choice theory as a supervisor and instructor and organising and leading workshops for children, adolescents, parents and other groups.
Olga Lilija Hribernik

is a professor of pedagogy and sociology, a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) and a specialist for supervision. She is a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy and a WGI supervisor. She carries out supervisions for receivers of RT/TI Certificates at the Slovenian Association for Reality Therapy. She was employed in the Prison for Juveniles in Celje. She gained the most counselling and therapeutic experience by working with individuals and groups with problems of socially unacceptable behaviour, problems with addiction, adjustment problems due to the deprivation of freedom, psychosomatic disorders, suicidal behaviour and learning problems. She has experience in leadership, training and supervision of professional workers in the field of education and social protection. She has been an active pensioner since 2017.
Bosiljka Boba Lojk

is a Reality Therapy Psychotherapist holding a European Certificate of Psychotherapy. She is an EIRT and WGI senior instructor, expert head of the European Institute for Reality Therapy and Secretary General of the European Association for Reality Therapy (EART). She has been working in the field of counselling for four decades. Since 1990 she has been teaching choice theory and its applications in various fields of human activity (counselling, teaching, leadership). With her husband Leon, she established a five-year study to obtain the title of Reality Therapy Psychotherapist and a four-year study to obtain the title of Reality Therapy Counsellor. She is the author of numerous articles and co-author of several books.
Karmen Štefančič

Social worker, participant in the fifth year of the programme to obtain the title of reality therapy psychotherapist and a teacher trainee at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She has been employed in social care for more than fifteen years, working in the field of mental health protection, providing psychosocial support, and for several years in the field of work with older adults. She offers individual and couples psychotherapy under supervision. She carries out self-help groups and psychoeducational workshops in a non-governmental organisation that operates in the field of mental health improvement.
Maša Žilevski

Psychologist, participant in the fifth year of the programme to obtain the title of reality therapy psychotherapist. Within organisational psychology, she works as an outside expert support to HR. She carries out psychological profiling, workshops, lectures, assessment centres, coaching, competency models, various HR measurements, evaluations, etc. Alongside this work, she also works as a psychotherapist (under supervision) and participates in the European Institute for Reality Therapy as a teacher trainee.
Mateja Kopsa Sobota

graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rijeka in 2007. In 2019, she completed her specialisation in school and university medicine, and in 2020, she finished her training in reality therapy and obtained the title of Reality Therapy Psychotherapist (ECP). She is a member of the Croatian Medical Chamber, the Croatian Chamber of Psychotherapists and the Croatian Association for Reality Therapy (HURT). She maintains a regular clinical practice as part of her counselling work with caregivers of children and adolescents at the School and University Medicine Clinic of the Public Health Institute of Zagreb County. Since 2010, she has continuously improved her knowledge in the field of mental health by actively participating in various educational workshops, congresses, activities, programmes and seminars related to mental health. Since 2021, she has been the leader (3P educator) of the psychoeducational workshop titled ‘Pomozi Da’ aimed at raising awareness about mental health for educational professionals as part of the ‘Healthy Living’ project by the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
s. Dominika Anica Anić

Reality Therapy Psychotherapist and a candidate for a member of the Faculty Board at the European Institute for Reality Therapy. She promotes reality therapy beliefs throughout her long-standing work in education with children and parents. She conducts lectures and workshops for focus groups, parents, teachers, educators, youth and families. In her approach, she combines reality therapy beliefs with Christian preaching of the joyful news of redemption for every individual. She leads contemplation courses, utilising tools acquired through implementing reality therapy beliefs. She collaborates with various media, including public speaking, radio, TV and electronic media, on topics related to the significance of human existence. She also leads the spiritual centre, Bishop fra Paškal Buconjić, in Potoci near Mostar